It is very unlikely for anyone to make an online purchase and never have to interact with the seller after making the purchase. Be it a product, service, intangible, or tangible experience.
The system of Internet transactions requires a scope of communication with seller’s representatives for a satisfying consumer experience.
There are multiple reasons why a customer may require an agent’s support.
For instance, Mr. Ross books a flight for a vacation, and hours before the flight, Mr. Ross receives communication from the airline that his flight is canceled and he shall receive a full refund.
However, Mr. Ross has to reach the destination as he has made many other reservations for the vacation. What happens now?
Mr. Ross will connect with the airline and seek solutions like an alternative flight. And this chain of receiving communication and seeking solutions for a mishap is a process of online communication that follows from consumer to seller and vice versa.
Companies communicate with the audience using multiple channels.
For an e-commerce seller, one of the best means could be via email or SMS, whereas a food delivery executive may call the customer.
The tactical use of all these factors is the basic form of communication that not only ensures seamless execution but also avoids the loss of time and effort.