Konnect Youtube - Konnect Insights - An omni-channel customer experience management platform

Konnect Youtube

Unleash the power of video marketing by monitoring and
analyzing conversations on YouTube videos.


Know how your audience is reacting to your brand’s videos and how you can influence them better

Track YouTube conversations

Monitor conversations on videos through the use of keyworda as well as comments on your barnd channels.

Understand the competition

Identify conversations that are relevant to your competition and ensure a good grip on how the competitors’ are engaging


Ensure a positive brand reputation by responding to messages that matter in a timely manner. Let the audience feel you are interacting with them.

Have an efficient response management process

Easily respond to conversations through effective workflows and automation, efficiently.

Prioritize important conversations

Use automation to quickly identify important conversations and address them proactively while constantly optimising your efforts.


Get a deeper undersatnding into all the conversations you track through detailed and advanced analytics. Enhance your brand’s presence and influence.

Check your performance

Monitor your brand’s performance on the most influential video marketing platform based on the data tracked in the tool to measure and improve Performance

Know what is working for you

Understand your audience’s reaction to your content and dig into analytics with actionable and visually appealing dashboards.

Better Customer Relationships start here